Saturday, August 27, 2005

The monsoon season

As I leaned back in my chair, the stars sparkling above, and looked at the beautiful woman to my right, her face tinted orange from the crackling campfire. The steaks sizzled over the coals. Waves gently crashed on the lakeshore. A warm breeze drifted through the cove we were in, grounding the mosquito air force.
Ah, yes, I missed camping.

Two hours later, I'd had my fill of it.

The perfect summer evening had degenerated into a hurricane - howling winds, torrential rain, the whole nine. I couldn't sleep from the branches, rocks and small furry animals getting blown into side of the tent, or maybe was it from the jagged rock that mysteriously materialized right under my mattress.
I woke up in the morning (well, I got out of the tent, at least - I was awake the whole night) to find my boat, our sole means of transportation, had been washed up onto the beach by the five-foot waves which pounded the shore overnight.
You ever try manhandling a 3,000 pound boat - none of it floating - back in the water? Well, here's how you do it... spend four hours digging gravel out from under it, get a big log, a big rock, and lever it back into the water.
Of course, the trip back was sunny and warm, the lake glassy and smooth - but only because I had to work in three hours. Mother Nature loves playing tricks on me...

Anyways, tommorrow I'm doing it right... I'm going houseboating. Screw the tent.

Oh yeah... I found this photo funny, but most of you won't - unless you know who Antoine Walker (he's on the left) is. He's infamous for doing this ridiculous shuffle dance after he scores - he's 6-9, by the way - and they were roasting him on some internet forum, al a pictures. It probably won't appeal to most of you, but ... hell, this is MY blog. I can post what I want...


Originally uploaded by smoove_J.


At 9:25 PM , Blogger General Jumbo said...

Luv the Antoine Walker picture...Uncle Jake! Very funny. He looks just right in the Thriller shot. Let us hook up soon in Kelowna...I can fly via West Jet! Talk to you soon...


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