Saturday, May 21, 2005

Today, we get personal: A call for advice

My role among my friends usually is that of "Dear Adams." I'm a sounding board for emotional, relationship, career, and life problems. In some people's cases, all four (what up, Dounia?).
But now I find myself in a situation where the roles have been reversed, and I am the one seeking input. I think I've built up enough credit helping others that I'm due some sage words of advice from my friends.

Now before I continue with my melodrama, let me say that I have NEVER asked for advice when it comes to relationships or dealing with the aftermath. Not when I got a "Dear Jake" letter while overseas, not when I tried dating a woman 13 years my senior, and not when the woman I intended to marry started screwing her co-worker after we lost our baby.

Anyways, my problem can basically be summed up like this: "The heart makes choices the head knows not why."
Most of you may, or may not, know that I broke up with my girlfriend of nine months about four weeks ago. Was it a serious relationship? Not really. Not in the sense that we were going to get married, or anything. But we spent nearly every day together during that time.
Now, the reason I broke up with her, is she treated me with a sort of casual indifference in public - like I was the only option available to her - despite the fact she did have feelings for me. I hate to throw around cliches like "emotionally unavailable," but ... that pretty much describes her.

Now, having made the "smart" decision of parting ways with her, I find myself thinking of her all the time. And I mean ALL the time. It's quite frustrating, actually, knowing that I made the right decision, but being tortured by it.
I thought the key would be to jump back on the wagon, and get back in the dating game, but I forgot just how vapid and shallow the majority of women in this town are. And besides, I don't feel the desire. If I go clubbing these days, it's just to hang with my friends - not for the post-bar gymnastics.

So... any suggestions? Email me with your thoughts, opinions, or whipped jokes. I'll read em all ...


At 8:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jake, I'm sure it has occurred to you that "casual indifference" often covers up fear of loss. The fact that it becomes self fullfilling is not unusual. You said that dating Christa was like dating yourself... does that tell you something? I think that both of you probably fear loss - possibly to the point that you create situations that create it. I don't suppose you remember the old Vietnam era comment "In order to save the (village, town, base) we had to destroy it..."

My sense is that you will have to do a lot of thinking about YOU in order to find the answer... as a matter of fact I think you know the answer to you quandry, you've just got to turn around and face it.

So much for the wisdom of your Dear Old Dad... Whatever happens, you still the man...

At 9:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that I agree with your Dad.

You've also gotten into the habit of seeing her everyday, and just like quiting smoking, you have to be strong and ignore the cravings. It will get easier. The first month or two (or five depending on your level of "addiction") are the worse, but it does get easier.

If you know it's not right and there is no future in it, don't make the easy choice and go back to her.

One other thing... you are much too nice a person to have someone "put up" with you. I've know you for long enough that you deserve someone special, who treats you with respect and loves you and all your annoying little habits. (Sorry, I was getting to sappy & I had to revert to my usual abuse).

Take care!

At 11:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jake all I can say is " U Da Man !" oh and when the time is right "the ladies love Smoove J" Big Bad Jumbo

At 6:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

jj, its christa, i'm pregnant


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