Thursday, May 03, 2007

Go Anya! It's your Birthday!

First things first - my sis turned (gasp) 36 on Wednesday. She celebrated (or, at least I hope she did), with a big ol' spliff when she got off the plane in Amsterdam. It was the first leg on her voyage to the sandy shores of Cairo, where she, two of her friends, and our mom will be taking a five-day cruise down the Nile.
Yeah, I'm a little jealous. And not even because she ran into Lewis Black in the Red Light District on Thursday.
While my sister and mom are off gallivanting about the Valley of Kings, the Great Pyramids and Petra (where Indiana Jones 3 was filmed), I'll be stuck here taking care of three dogs. Ever try to walk three hyper dogs at once? I don't recommend it.
Anyways, my sis is chronicling her journey on her very own blog! Check it out, if you're so inclined.

Winter is over, and spring is here. It's time to hang up the snowboard (which I have) and break out the wakeboard (which I haven't.) It's been raining and miserable for the past three days (Have I mentioned home much fun it is to walk three hyper dogs in the rain?) so I haven't really had a chance to put the SS Budonkadonk in the water. But ... it's a-coming, I promise.

Work has been, well, "meh." I can only hope that my dream of hawaii comes to fruition (more on that at a later date). I done wracked my back again, and haven't played any soccer for two weeks. Or been to the gym, for that matter. And, to top it off, my moms brought up a whole bunch of bread from Bond Bonds Bakery, one of Victoria's finest. I feel my waistline expanding as we speak...

I have to give a big shout out to my Liverpool boys, who whupped whiny Jose Morinho and Chelsea (AGAIN) to make it to the Champions League final. The Reds are heading to the championship game, and Morinho's wondering why he got them all riled up by calling them an also-ran and "little" club before the game. Did I mention he won't have a job next year? Kind of like this tattoo artist.

That's it for now... if you have a chance, watch this video ... Damn funny. The guy actually played in the WHL a few years back - as a forward, not a goalie.

And I'm out...


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