Saturday, January 20, 2007

Yeah, that's right... MORE DOG PICTURES

So, OK, ya, my life is pretty boring these days. Nothing much is going on in any facet - love, life, social, nor career. A dog is all I got.
Two, now that Steph is back from Phoenix with Felix the Dog, her rescue greyhound. He's a big loveable lump that lies in front of the fireplace all day. I didn't know how greyhounds actually were. Sure, he's a bony mutt, but he's got pretty muscular legs and stands about three feet high.

Most of my free time these days is spent on the hill at Big White. Even when it's not my free time. I was up there covering a couple different events, including the half-pipe competition and the BX yesterday. Here's some pics, because a picture says a thousand words, and I'm too lazy to write.

Some of those troublesome two-plankers even got in on the action...

And this is when I learned the meaning of "Danger Pay."
I was shooting with a wide-angle lens, meaning you have to get really close to something if you want it to appear big in the picture. So this one dude takes off about 30 feet up the pipe from me, starts flying through the air, flipping, twisting... and BAM! He lands — no lie — about six inches from me. He wiped out, too. It think the idea of hitting a black guy scared him.
I mean, a black guy? At a ski hill? He MUST be trouble...

Anyways, here's the sequence of pics - you can see exactly what I was seeing through the lens as he was flying "ohmygodhe'sgoingtohitme" through the air ...








FRAME EIGHT... At this point, I pulled the old "duck and roll." Not that I was worried about the company's $15,000 camera getting wrecked. I'd already wiped out a bunch of times on the hill with the camera in my backpack.... No, it was more my own personal well-being I was concerned with. If I hadn't moved, I would have been impaled - an ironic death for a snowboarder.


At 10:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow wow wow!

beautiful photo's!
so vivid!!

thats exactly why I love cheap azz cams, so I can hide behind the blurriness and still look hot! HA!

Glad U have a companion!



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