Thursday, March 01, 2007

Yes. It's been a month.

...So freaking SUE me.

Anyways, the obligatory update.
I spent the past weekend in Victoria and Van, visiting with some old friends and even older family.
I had a moment of clarity while visiting Jumbo and his Northeast clan.


It wasn't when Jeremy started going off on the "status of hip-hop these days." He went all Walter Mathau (think Grumpy Old Men) and talked about how good things were back when we were young. You know, the Good Ol' Days.
No, it was when I realized that I've known Jeremy for over 20 years. Twenty years? Are you kidding me? I know people who weren't even ALIVE 20 years ago.
Sigh. But hip hop was better back when we were younger ...
Got into Victoria on Saturday, had dinner with moms, then pulled the chute and went out to meet the Northeasts at an African party. Good food, good company, and I even started the whole "dancing circle." African shhuuuure love us light-skinneded brothas... lol
Sunday, got up, did something I can't rememeber, then did some more I can't remember. I think there was another visit with Jeremy for some Xbox 360 action. And yes, I'm still the KING.
Monday, the obligatory breakfast at John's Place, still the best restaurant in Victoria. At least, for casual atmosphere and good food. Hit the ferry, missed the first, missed the second, and got on the third after a three-hour wait. I was then the last one off the boat, which was obviously God rubbing salt in some karmic wound.
Dinner with the folks in White Rock, up early the next day to head downtown to renew my U.S. passport. Got downtown at 11:30 a.m., walked the dog, hit the office at noon. The office was only open from 8-12. Return to the car, kick the dog, blame him for all my woes, and drive over to meet Dee.
A brief run-in with Mary Jane, then off to Cactus Club for eats and drinks. Good times. Met the sister of his Unicorn, who turns out to be a complete and total poser, for lack of a better word. She claims she's into art "and stuff," and it's brought up that my pops is an artist. "You know Jim Adams?" I asked. "Oh, ya. Totally. I've been to lots of events 'n stuff done in his name. He does really good ... art," she replies. It's completely obvious to everyone at the table she has no idea whom my pops is, but she tries to name-drop anyways. I cringe inside, but smile outwardly. "Wow, that's really nice of you to say."
Now gets to steppin.
(Here's a review of how my dad's show went, by the way.)
Back to The Rock for another dinner, meet a friend for drinks at Charlie Don't Surf, and spend the entire time pretending the people at the table next to us - about 27 inches away - aren't madly making out. With tongue. And groping. And coincidental simoltaneous trips to the bathroom. (*And JJ pukes)
The train rumbles by at one point during the night, and Diana isn't convinced that we used to flatten coins on the tracks. I pull the waitress over, she corroberates the story. I then tell D how the actual White Rock was brought north by Indians, who worshipped it as a god. She has no choice but to believe me.

Morning comes, I pack up all the antique furniture my parents passed on to me. I see why they want to get rid of it when the leg on the table breaks off. Dad pulls a "Here, a lil glue, it'll be fine" line, and we load it up. Upon arrival in Kelowna, the leg is once again broken. I think I've been saddled with a lemon... lol

And then, it's back to work for me. Which means internet surfing and MSN chatting. Other news of note to report: Monday, I meet my Little Brother. Now we'll see what kind of mentoring skills I really have.
"Why no - marijuana is NOT bad. That's just what the cops want you to think...."
Anyone got money for bail?

Meanwhile, I've found my future wife. I don't know what she looks like from the front, but this is enough for me.
It's from a series of pics on of fans with tattoos. It's kind of interesting to note that four of the crazies are Raiders fans. We have the best supporters, hands down.
And then there's THIS GUY. Apparently, this guy did this for Lakers tickets. He's also, on the same radio station that gave him the tix, been tasered by Game, had mace squirted into his eye, and eaten worms.

Anyways, some pics ..

The Birthday Boy

Maxwell Xavier Northeast. Grandpa says he's exactly like Jumbo was at his age. Which means trouble for us all...

Imani. Her name means "faith" in swahili. It should be "precious." She's a doll.

Annie Otieno Northeast. Also a doll. But she can't dance like me. Who got the party started on Saturday? Yep - El Smooth J.

On to my kid - Madden. He met his "sister," Ravon, and after a brief getting-to-know-you period, they both proceeded to bite, salivate and regurgitate all over each other the entire weekend.

In a word, "Chick Magnet." Sorry, that's two.

The afore-mentioned Ravon, the canine world's answer to ADD kids.


At 2:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lemon!? Lemon you say? The Table is more than 120 yeqrs old and you call it a lemon!? Hurmph... Fix the leg and quit whinging. It's a citrus heirloom NOT a lemon...


At 9:37 AM , Blogger miceail said...

dude your dog looks like a healthy version of karma. i hear lemon cleaner works good on wooden furniture.

At 5:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the record, I did not believe your story about the incredible hulk Indian who threw the massive white rock to shore and decided to build shop there!

I just decided to smile and nod (*let JJ continue believing he's good at story telling*).

At 6:21 PM , Blogger General Jumbo said...

What up Smoove J

Nice pictures...Had loads of fun playing xbox 360. Your geometry lesson went well. Get a box and we will play online. I have lots of time to practice now I am injured. Cheers from the Northeasts !!!!!!!!


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