Thursday, November 03, 2005

Howlin Halloween

There are friends, and then there are people you thought were friends.
Here's one from someone who will remain anonymous, because I'm not a vindictive or spiteful person.

"I thought i'd check your blog to see what nonsense ramblings might reveal what's made you extra prick-like lately....lo and behold lots of sappy gush unfit for a Danielle Steele novella. The onlookers scratch their heads and wonder when jake will look inward for the answers he searches so desparately for everywhere else, and then return to watching paint dry ."

Now, in her defence, she did say she was kidding. She was mad because I made a joke about putting her precious cat (who I was house-sitting) in a kennel for two days since I had to go TAKE CARE OF MY GRANDMOTHER. I wouldn't of sent her cat anywhere, but, well, this was her way of proving just how right she was, and how terribly wrong I was to make an off-the-cuff comment.

Did I mention she's a grown-ass woman? Well, I guess it's just her ass that's grown. (That whole me not being spiteful and vindictive? fuggedaboutit)

So anyways, for Halloween, I dressed up for the first time in many years. My costume? Well, let's just say I was from Chilliwack. And that was real cornhusk in my mouth, by the way...
The party was actually pretty tame, despite the outfits. We saved the boozing to when we got to the bar, much to the relief of my roomate, who shot daggers at me with her eyes when she came home to loud music and a roomful of Value Village rejects at 11 pm.

Here are some pics...

Originally uploaded by smoove_J.
I carved the one that looks like it was cut by a three-year-old.

Originally uploaded by smoove_J.
A redneck and an indian princess ... go figure.

Originally uploaded by smoove_J.
Andrea was caught about to touch my sheep... Aaron had the video camera ready.

Originally uploaded by smoove_J.
He just realized where her other hand had gone...

Originally uploaded by smoove_J.
Let's see... a black redneck with a beer, Lara Croft's younger sister, and a white 70s basketball player with an afro. Yep, it was one hell of a party...


At 4:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think the cat lady was responding to your email entitled "your cat is dead", which you omitted from your post and may provide a slighter higher level of insense than kennel talk... for a reporter, you sho don't get your facts straight. Or perhaps you misquote to add dramatic flare. You kids at the Courier!


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