Tuesday, May 03, 2005

It's been a while

My bad, people. Your nasty emails telling me to update the blog have not gone unheeded... just ignored until now.
So, what's new, you ask? Well, I'm a pinch away from 30, broke up with my girlfriend, am watching my lawn die because I can't remember how to do my irrigation maintenance, and checking the mailbox every 10 minutes for my tax return.
I'm sure the only one that will stand out is "broke up with my girlfriend." I can hear the cries of sorrow from my dad's house, where he and my stepmom are mourning the fact they will have to wait even longer for grandkids. Sorry, Pops. That's just the way things go ...
It was my sister's birthday on the 2nd, and I called her to give her my annual blessing... and got the wrong number. So my minute-long Barry White-ish rendition of Happy Birthday went unappreciated by the lady on the other end who waited until I was done singing to ask me "Who the HELL is this?" Yep, I was a little chagrined...
Anyways, big shout out to my sister, who is now the big Three-Four.
Damn. She old.
She does, however, have pretty wicked taste in presents, sending me a skateboard autographed by Tony Hawk. Those in the mainstream media call him the Michael Jordan of skateboarding. For those of in the know, he was the first person to land a 900 in competition - and that's phat.
Umm, what else... Nothing, really. Once I get my check from the good ol government, I'll have my boat in the water, and be havin a good ol time. So there will be plenty to report when that happens...

until then...



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