Sunday, May 08, 2005

Googlin along

So, when I'm at work, procrastinating (like I am now) or trying to fool my boss into thinking I'm working (like I am now) I sometimes do a lil Googlin.
It's amazing the stuff you can find when you do searches on your friends, family or even yourself.
There is a JJ Adams out there who is a character in a japanese Manga (cartoon), that's a "good-looking, slick-dressing Police sharpshooter women swoon for." Hmmm... sounds familiar.
In an email exchange with the webmaster of one of his fan sites, I proudly boasted of my connection to her hero, to which I got the reply: "Errr... you do know JJ is gay, right?"
Well, that's karma for you...

Anyways, after googling my MOM on Sunday, I came across an article that was published in a kayaking magazine a couple years back. She wrote this after we went up the Johnstone strait for a couple days. The defining moment came when we were surrounded by a pod of whales. I can remember looking down, seeing this massive Orca swimming under my boat. It was moving so fast, and so terrifyingly huge, it was like some nuclear sub had just passed me. Anyways, it really gave me some perspective on where I sit on the food chain. Check it out here.


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