Monday, August 27, 2007

One: Not necessarily the loneliest number....

I've been hit by bouts of irony lately. Over the head. Several times.
While I used to be Relationship Guy getting into all sorts of trouble with my single friends, nowadays I'm hard-pressed to think of any of my friends who aren't in a relationship or married. I'd like to attribute it to age, but some of the couples are like 10 years younger than me.
And all of them are trying to set me up.
It feels like being single is viewed as some horrible affliction or social disease these days. It's the opposite of how it used to be.
Everyone has turned into my parents. (And they, by the way, have abandoned all form of subtlety, and now saw things like "You realize you're the last of the Adamses, right? If you don't have kids, there won't be any left. And all that your forefathers worked for will be lost.")
And, invariably, they all suggest someone outside of the age of 15 or 40. By that, I mean nothing in between. No 30-somethings. They're all either in high school, or some friend's mom.
I had an acquaintance, who shall remain nameless, basically offer me his (step) daughter. She's 15. 15! What kind of a creepy vibe do I give off?
And by buddy's girlfriend, LEAH, had to mention just how much her mom thinks I'm "sooo hot." Now there's a double-date I'd like to go on.
So this is a public plea, people. Have some sense. Think about what you're saying before you open your mouth.
And just because the majority of women in Kelowna are about as smart as Miss Teen South Carolina, that don't mean I'm desperate.

(*that's a great video, by the way. If you watch closely enough, you can spot the precise moment the hamster on the wheel in her head steps out for a smoke break)


At 12:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

:( i could say plenty in response to your recent blog...but..
good luck mr adams in finding what and whom puts that smile on your face.
plan b

At 12:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Creepy? No... desperate maybe and a little sad but definitely not creepy. I wouldn't worry about the Adams genes, they've been taken care of by you uncle so there's no real pressure for you to procreate - besides, at the rate you're going, your sister will beat you to it... even with her work schedule.

Remember, perfection comes with work and patience; you can't find it ready made. If you believe you can, you're in for a long and lonely life.


At 5:36 PM , Blogger Smoove_j said...

My dad just called me "desperate and a little sad." Now you see what I'm dealing with here! ;)

At 12:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing you're dealing with is you...;)! I'll tell you one thing though, your last couple of blogs are some of the best writing I've read in a good while. One can only hope for a novel or collected works one of these days. Word.


At 9:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

U know I loved that video!!


I am still open to being the love of ur life! but ummm I know U DO NOT like my location. So if U opened ur mind to it. Ummm I'd be all U could ever need!


Sounds cool eh..Unrealistic though! HA!

Hi J's Dad!
J's Dad, U should ask J to go out on a date with me! Im a nice girl! hehe!

At 12:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


who's j? :P

At 3:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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