Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Henceforth, I shall be known as Word

Wow. These past couple weeks have been a blur, and it's not because of the Van Gogh vodka.
I guess time speeds up exponentially as you get older, because it feels like we never really had a summer. It was here, fleeting, like some ethereal dream, and then you get smacked in the face by the cold dampness of October.
So, to recap:
- I passed my bike test with flying colours. I was lucky that my examiner recognized me (minor celebrity, what?!) and played junior football in the past, so we had a nice lil break-the-ice chat before we went out on the road. Afterwards, he said he'd never seen such a technically perfect and flawless ride. (Hey - this is my blog. I can write whatever revisionist history I want)
- My friend Fiona visited from Swindon, in the UK. Talk about having one of those moments of clarity when you realize you're old. I met Princess Fi my first few days in town, when I stayed at the hostel, and she was one of the staff. I sparked her fondness for Canadian Club and Crown Royal, and she in turn introduced me to several British terms which I continue to use to this day (Wet lettuce, bunny-boiler, etc). A recap with pics to ensue in a moment.
- I have been christened a new nickname. From now on, I shall be known as Word. (As in MS Word, as in, a writer.) Woooorrddd.
- I got my boy Miceal published in the Daily Courier. His entertaining exploits overseas are now not limited to his blog. The feedback has been good, too.
- Apart from that, I can't remember what else has happened. So... on to the photos. (update: blogger is being a little touchy, so I'm posting them, in no particular order, on Flickr. You can see the pics by CLICKING HERE.)

My last day on the water... Me, Adair, Liam, Matt, and a couple cases of Keiths. Hence, our aerial exploits. Liam first, then Word.


At 2:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the test!!

I will also add U r indeed Perfect and Flawless! :p

Much Love and Many Blessings from the Boonies!


At 8:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having been sired by someone who has difficulty just standing up, your board riding performances are even that much more impressive. Rock on Word...



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